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City now issues anti-dooring window decals to taxi, Uber, and Lyft operators

(Photo: PBOT)

The latest front in the City of Portland’s ongoing war against traffic injuries and deaths is the windshields of taxis and other for-hire vehicles.

The Bureau of Transportation just unveiled a new window decal they’ve begun to issue through their Private For-Hire Program. That program regulates all permitted taxi and other transportation network company (TNC) operators like Uber and Lyft.



The decals, which operators are not legally mandated to display, say “Look Before You Open” and they include a symbol of a bike rider and a car with a clever exclamation point on the car’s door. The decal’s orange color fits with PBOT’s Vision Zero branding effort which this new initiative is part of. Here’s more from the city’s Private-For-Hire program manager: “Portland’s Vision Zero initiative should be everyone’s initiative and the private for hire industry is no exception. At the regulatory division we are doing our part by providing free decals and education regarding Vision Zero. We will encourage our industry partners to join us, and together we will work to achieve our established goals, one vehicle at a time.”

Back in November we reported that the city is also requiring taxi and TNC operators to take special vision zero training.

For more on PBOT’s vision zero efforts, browse our past coverage.

— Jonathan Maus, (503) 706-8804 –

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