Our friends at Northwest Trail Alliance reported a big success at their recent Trailfest event. NWTA’s Kelsey Cardwell sent along the following highlights and photos…
- Despite the forecast for a downpour, 18 riders showed up for our Forest Park poker ride on Friday night and we were rewarded with clear skies! We handed out prizes donated by Cyclepath and Nike to the best hands.
- Kids and adults hopped on the pump track Saturday morning. Commissioner Amanda Fritz joined us as well. She wasn’t keen to jump on a bike, but she loved seeing how much fun it was for the kids (and their parents). She mentioned that she would like to see more opportunities in East Portland for kids to get outside and stay active.
- The party at Velocult was a blast and with all the vintage bikes surrounding us, the atmosphere couldn’t be any more perfect. Peter Parker took first place in the mini bike race. Bands Ultra Goat and the James London Band put on a lively show.
- The Sandy Ridge shuttle sold out at the 100-rider cap. Riders were covered with mud from head to toe, but when they paused you could still see they’re white toothy grins. Sellwood Cycle and Kona brought a fleet of bikes for riders to demo. The volunteers were freezing and wet, but stayed with us all day. We’re very grateful for their dedication and stewardship.
Mini bike race in parking lot of Velo Cult.
City Commissioner Amanda Fritz at Ventura Park Pump Track.