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Settlement reached in hit-and-run case involving Mt. Hood Skibowl owner

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“This shows a level of negligence and disregard for other people’s lives that cannot be allowed in Portland if we want to keep our roads safe,”
Sean DuBois, Skof’s attorney

Lawyers for Robert Skof, who was hit from behind by Mt. Hood Skibowl owner Kirk Hanna while bicycling in southwest Portland last year, say a settlement has been reached in the case.

On May 23rd 2011, the 45-year-old Skof, was riding on SW Macadam near the Sellwood Bridge when police say he was hit from behind after Hanna, 49, lost control of his Porsche Cayenne SUV. Hanna was going around 80 mph prior to the collision and witnesses reported that not only did he leave Skof for dead on the side of the road, he actually sped up once witnesses tried to chase him down. Three months later, Hanna pleaded guilty to misdemeanor Hit and Run, DUII, and misdemeanor Assault (many people were not pleased with those charges, so the Portland Police Bureau explained why that was the best they could do).

Skof’s lawyers, Shulman DuBois LLC, released a statement today saying that they’ve reached a settlement with Hanna. Here’s an excerpt:

“Not only did Hanna make the decision to drive after drinking — he made the decision to leave Skof when he was seriously injured. This shows a level of negligence and disregard for other people’s lives that cannot be allowed in Portland if we want to keep our roads safe,” said Skof’s attorney Sean DuBois…

This is not Hanna’s first run-in with the law. Hanna, a prominent Oregon businessman and owner the Mt. Hood Skibowl, has been charged with unlawful possession of a weapon, driving uninsured, and driving with a suspended license – all acts that show blatant disregard for Oregon law and safety procedures.

He has also received over 50 parking tickets, 8 speeding tickets, been accused of drunk driving, and 2003 hit-­and‐run DUII charges were dismissed on a technicality, according to an article by Anna Griffin from the Oregonian. None of these previous offenses were enough to teach Hanna a lesson.”

According to the terms of the settlement, the compensation amount Skof has received is confidential. However, his lawyers say his bills and expenses have totaled over $180,000 in the past year. And that’s just the medical bills.

“Hit and run victims are often left emotionally scarred,” said Sean DuBois. “My client has had to seek therapy after the trauma of being left to lie in the road like a piece of trash, through Mr. Hanna’s neglect.”

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