plans for diversion at
the open house.
The public outreach process for the Portland Bureau of Transportation’s NE/SE 50s Bikeway project is nearing completion. Today, PBOT announced the final open house for the project for Wednesday, June 29 from 5:00 to 8:00 pm at Our Lady of Sorrows Parish (5329 SE Woodstock Blvd).
The open house comes after 39 neighborhood and stakeholder meetings since August 2010. As we reported last week, the $1.5 million federally funded project will seek to improve bicycling conditions along a 4.3 mile stretch of 52nd and 53rd avenues from SE Woodstock to NE Halsey.
Wednesday’s open house will be the final chance to comment on the recommended plans that have been developed by PBOT and the Stakeholder Advisory Committee. After the open house, PBOT will submit the plans to City Council where its expected to be approved later this summer.
Open house details are below and you can learn more about the project from our previous coverage or on PBOT’s website.
50s Bikeway Project Open House
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Drop in anytime between 5:00 PM and 8:00 PM
Our Lady of Sorrows Parish, 5329 SE Woodstock Blvd