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Moving forward on a slate of projects we first reported on last May, the City of Portland Bureau of Transportation has announced the first public open house for their trio of Lloyd District Bikeway Development projects.
The public process for the Lloyd District projects began back in December when PBOT convened a Stakeholder Advisory Committee led by consultant Scott Bricker (former BTA Executive Director). Since then, the committee has taken walking tours of the area to learn more about the issues and PBOT has hashed out design concepts for the three projects on the table: improving the 12th Avenue overpass; adding a bikeway to NE Holladay Street (between Wheeler and 13th Ave); and closing the bikeway gap on N. Vancouver/Wheeler between Broadway and Multnomah.
Of the three projects, PBOT tells us the 12th Ave. overcrossing is the most developed thus far. This stretch of road (where 12th Ave. goes over I-84 just south of Lloyd District) has been a sore spot in the bike network for a long time. Complicating matters further are a large high school just to the south and a parking garage to the north. We were lucky enough to get a sneak peek at the design concepts currently under consideration.
The 60-foot right of way on the overpass currently consists of two, 10-foot sidewalks and four, 10 foot vehicle lanes…

All the concepts under consideration would swap out one of the existing vehicle lanes in order to make room for either one or two bike lanes. PBOT is looking into both a conventional cross-section with five-foot bike lanes on each side (concept one below), or a plan that would make the 10-foot sidewalk on the west side of the street into a shared use path for use by walking and biking traffic. See the three cross sections below…

In addition to the overcrossing, PBOT is planning for many other bikeway elements including bike boxes and buffered bike lanes on Irving and north up to NE 11th Ave. Check out the two concepts below (and click for larger versions in PDF form).
Here’s the concept with bike lanes…

And the shared-use path idea…

You can learn more about these proposals as well as what’s in store for Holladay and Vancouver by dropping into the open house next Thursday. Details are below…
- Lloyd District Bikeway Development Projects Open House
Thursday, March 3rd from 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (drop-in)
Calaroga Terrace Auditorium (1400 NE 2nd Ave)
Project website