Portland Monthly Mag reports that a “Bike-centric food cart super pod” is coming to the Springwater Corridor in East Portland.
According to a story on their blog, developer Roger Goldingay (the same guy that developed the cart pod on N. Skidmore and Mississippi) has set his sights on a one-acre parcel along the popular trail where it crosses SE 82nd Ave. Here’s an excerpt from the story:
“With a vision for 35 carts featuring bike repairs, air-pumping, and gear—not to mention good food drawing from 82nd Avenue’s wealth of Asian, Latino and Russian communities—Goldingay hopes to take the cart village concept to the next level.
… Goldingay looks around and sees nothing but potential here: access to a popular, scenic bike trail, and one of busiest streets in the city.”
Wow. I really love what I’m hearing from Mr. Goldingay. Read what else he told Portland Monthly:
“On the outer east side, there’s nothing like central Portland’s food cart movement, certainly nothing like what we’re going to do. I see families riding through on bikes. Maybe a farmers market. We’re close to Happy Valley, East Portland, the north side of Oregon City, Clackamas, Gresham, and Milwaukie. I hope to serve this population, but I’d like to think I’m doing something to improve the area, too, to make it safe and family-friendly— but also a destination location that will draw urban dwellers to an area they know little about.”
Now this is what I’d call some bike-oriented development! We’ll keep you posted once the project progresses.
[Thanks to Paul Smith for the heads up.]
UPDATE: Roger Goldingay left a comment last night with more info:
“We will be on the vacant car lot with two buildings on the SW corner. The photo in the article looks right at it. Best bike access will be on the west end of the property where the trail crosses Harney. Construction starts any day. Looking for bike vendors, food carts, bike racks, concepts, and ideas. Your support is truly gratifying as we are taking a considerable risk in a difficult area. I think it’s a no-brainer, but my wife thinks I’ve got no brains.”