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Hopworks plans new location on N Williams Ave

Hopworks would occupy a street-level
spot in this new building on Williams.
(Photos © J. Maus)

Nearly a year after we first noted the bike-oriented development taking place on N Williams Avenue, the trend is as strong as ever. Today we confirmed that, while the ink’s not quite dry on all the paperwork, Hopworks Urban Brewery (HUB) plans to be the latest bike-friendly business to open up on the street (thanks to PDX Eater for the tip).

The banner is already flying.
Now even more so.

I caught HUB owner Christian Ettinger on the phone this morning. He said he’s still working out some details, but it’s “pretty much guaranteed” that they’re moving into a spot in the new “bike-centric” EcoFlats building that is currently under construction between N. Failing and Shaver streets. HUB will be neighbors with Queen Bee Creations and United Bicycle Institute.

“We’ll have a drink rail along the sidewalk where you’ll be able to sit and watch bikes go by on Williams.”
— Christian Ettinger, Hopworks

EcoFlats is notable because developer Jean-Pierre Veillet is aiming to make it the “first mixed-use residential building in the nation to achieve a net-zero energy status,” according to the Daily Journal of Commerce. The building will also be oriented to tenants who use a bicycle as their primary mode of transport.

For Ettinger — one of the nation’s premier craft brewers, a bike racer, and a major supporter of the local bike scene — the location on Portland’s best bike street is a natural fit. “For us, it’s just such a great fit to be right next to UBI, on the bike highway, in a net energy zero building. It makes sense on many levels.”

Like his current location on SE Powell Blvd near 29th, the new HUB on Williams will feature many bike-centric touches.

Oregon Handmade Bicycle Show-17
Ettinger behind his ‘Bike Bar’ at the
2009 Oregon Handmade Bicycle Show.

Ettinger says he’s building a bike canopy over the bar which will feature Oregon-made frames donated from members of the Oregon Bicycle Constructors Association. “Imagine 30 frames worth $3,000 each over your head.” (The Southeast HUB has a bike canopy, but it’s made out of free-pile bikes.) There will be parking for 50 bicycles in the back of the restaurant and Ettinger says he’s building something called, “the pulpit” facing the sidewalk. “We’ll have a drink rail along the sidewalk where you’ll be able to sit and watch bikes go by on Williams.”

Ettinger is currently looking for an kinetic sculpture artist who can help him make a bike-powered sculpture that people can power while they’re at the bar or waiting for a table.

The lease on the new location is expected to be finalized in the next few weeks. The building is nearing completion and construction is expected to be completed by this spring. Stay tuned for more details once opening day gets closer.

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