PBOT has announced an open house to discuss improvements to NE Davis Street. The NE Davis Street Improvements project will extend from NE 3rd to NE Sandy Boulevard and it could come with some benefits for bike traffic.
According to PBOT, the goals of the project are to slow traffic speeds, reduce cut-through traffic, improve conditions for bicycling and walking, and maintain truck circulation. “At the open house you will identify problems and needs and brainstorm solutions. You’ll also have a chance to review a short-term plan to install three speed bumps between NE 12th Avenue and Sandy Boulevard to address traffic speed issues.”
Project manager Ellen Vanderslice says some improvements to Davis (like the new signals at MLK and Grand) have been made as part of the East Burnside-Couch Couplet project. That project will also pay for the three speed bumps mentioned above. Vanderslice says other improvements to Davis — which could include removing the centerline and installing sharrows and adding bicycle wayfinding signage — would come from PBOT’s Affordable Transportation Fund.
At the open house we hope to learn how people are using or would like to use Davis by bicycle, so we can see what can be done to improve the connections across Sandy for bicycling. We’re also looking for ideas about how to make the crossing of 12th safer for both bicyclists and walkers without messing up the truck circulation!
Here are the details:
Public Open House for NE Davis St. Improvements Project
Tuesday, 8/31 from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m.
Portland Bottling Company warehouse (at the large overhead door on the south side of NE Davis between 12th and 14th avenues)
Download the open house announcement here (PDF).