pleasant place to ride, but improvements
are needed.
(Photo © J. Maus)
We’ve already mentioned how important it is to speak up at PBOT’s bike boulevard open houses (a.k.a. neighborhood greenways), so today I’ll just offer a gentle reminder of two that are coming up this week.
Tomorrow (5/4) and Thursday (5/6), PBOT will hold their second round of open houses for projects on NE Holman and NE Klickitat respectively.

The NE Holman project will add traffic calming and other new features to a street that’s already known among the experienced as a quiet residential alternative to crowded and narrow NE Ainsworth. Plans call for bike boulevard designation from N. Vancouver to NE 42nd. PBOT will pay particular attention to crossings at NE MLK Jr. Blvd, 13th, 15th and 33rd.

medians proposed for MLK crossing.
After the first open house on April 6th, neighbors were buzzing about PBOT’s proposal to extend the small park at NE 13th and Holman all the way across the street — leaving cut-throughs only for biking and walking.
At MLK, PBOT plans to route bike traffic to Highland and use new center medians to help people cross the street. Once on the east side of MLK, a two-way cycle track is planned to take people on bikes from mid-block where Highland intersects MLK south to where Holman starts.

NE Klickitat is another street many people already use as a backstreet alternative to busy and high-speed NE Fremont (which is just a few miles south of Holman/Ainsworth). PBOT’s plans would create a new bike boulevard from N. Vancouver east to NE 67th using Klickitat for most of the route.

PBOT will spend most funds allocated for this project to cross busy intersections of Vancouver/Williams, MLK Jr. Blvd., and 7th, 15th, 33rd, 41st, and 57th Avenues. This project includes several possible routes so neighborhood feedback is crucial.
This project will bring improvements to the existing Klickitat alleyway such as smoothing out the path surface, curb extensions for shorter crossings, and more.
Here are details on this week’s open houses:
- NE Holman Project
Tuesday, May 4th
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Concordia University, George R. White Library, Room 314
2811 NE Holman Street
NE Klickitat Project
Thursday, May 6th
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Alameda Elementary (Cafeteria)
2732 NE Fremont Street
Full details on open houses via PBOT’s website.