Ever wondered how many bike parking spaces the City of Portland has installed over the years? So have I.
After sharing a bike parking/Google Map mash-up the other day, I decided to ask the Bureau of Transportation that question.
Here’s the breakdown according to Sarah Figliozzi, who manages the City’s bike parking program:
- 67 lockers
- 3,235 staple racks
- 46 bike corrals (with 431 staple racks in them)
Add all these up and you get 7,399 bike parking spaces*. Not bad for a city of just under 600,000.
(*That number is only an estimate. Figliozzi points out that when the Bureau of Maintenance installs bike parking, they don’t always input the GIS (mapping) data into the work order.)
How does that compare with the number of car spaces in Portland? According to PBOT spokesperson Dan Anderson, there are about 8,300 metered spaces in downtown and the Lloyd District. I’ve asked PBOT for a more comprehensive number, but haven’t heard back yet — and there’s a good chance they don’t even know. While I was getting this post together, I read on Streetsblog that San Francisco just became the first city to count its parking spaces.
On a related note, Figliozzi says she’s putting together Portland’s first bike parking count. She wants to know how all the new on-street bike corrals they’ve installed are performing. Stay tuned for details on that.