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With Blumenauer’s support, Ride of Silence set for May 19th

Ride of Silence - Portland-4.jpg
From the 2008 edition of the ride.
(Photo © J. Maus)

Portland’s version of the Ride of Silence is set for May 19th. Ride organizer Brian Echerer has been working with other citizen activists and partners in hopes of re-invigorating the ride after a disappointing turnout last year and he got a boost in that regard yesterday when Congressman Earl Blumenauer endorsed the event.

The Ride of Silence started in 2003 in Dallas Texas and has since spread to hundreds of cities throughout the world. It’s a somber and silent affair meant to draw attention to road safety issues and remember people who have lost their lives while biking in traffic.

Echerer has been actively rounding up support and endorsements and yesterday he got some welcome news. A signed letter of support from Congressman Blumenauer. Here’s the text of that letter:

I am honored to support the 2010 National Ride of Silence.  This somber event will be held in many communities on May 19 to remember and honor those who have been injured or killed as they bicycled along our nation’s roadways.

Americans should not have to subject their lives to injury or death simply because they choose to walk or bicycle. Yet for too long we have ignored their right to safe passage. The National Ride of Silence calls attention to the need for all those who use our roadways to be safe. 

I urge Americans to participate in the National Ride of Silence and to honor the memory of those who have been lost by treating all roadway users with safety and respect every day of the year.

For more information on the 2010 Portland Ride of Silence visit its Facebook page.

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