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Will Mrs. Obama’s obesity focus boost Safe Routes to School efforts?

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Michelle Obama could help bring
Safe Routes to Schools to the table.
(Photo: White House on Flickr)

America has a long legacy of First Ladies who have used their diplomatic profile to further specific causes, so I was very pleased to learn that Michelle Obama’s focus would be obesity.

Anyone who has spent time in the bike advocacy world knows that the obesity epidemic is often thrown around as a key reason why our country needs to put a higher priority on biking. So, is the First Lady’s focus on obesity and “healthy families” something to get excited about?

“Having such a prominent leader behind the effort is certainly going to help those of us working on the issue to gain traction.”
— Robert Ping, Safe Routes National Parternship

I put that question to the State Network Director of the Safe Routes National Partnership, Robert Ping. Ping works out of an office in North Portland and is the former Safe Routes to School coordinator for the Bicycle Transportation Alliance.

“Having such a prominent leader behind the effort is certainly going to help those of us working on the issue to gain traction.”

Ping said not only will Obama’s presence help, but it will also give momentum to the $500 million childhood obesity project that his organization is working on with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. That project looks to reverse the obesity epidemic by 2015.

And what about obesity as a way to make the case for Safe Routes to Schools programs? It’s a perfect fit says Ping:

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Robert Ping at the OR Bike Summit-3.jpg
Robert Ping
(Photo © J. Maus)

“I think the obesity crisis is a great wagon to hitch our efforts to. We can argue ‘alternative’ transportation until we are blue in the face (which we have for forty years now!), and still lose the hearts and minds of the public and elected officials. But health in general and the obesity crisis specifically, are hard to argue against, especially when you talk about children living shorter, less vital lives than their parents – potentially the first generation in history to be in this position.

I think we should be looking at our communities through the health lens at all times. The medical community is powerful, and is beginning top really take on obesity. Initiatives like SRTS [Safe Routes to School] have become top solutions that the medical community is working with to solve the problem.”

It’s not yet clear to what extent First Lady Michelle Obama will get involved with these issues, but it’s great to have another high-profile leader pushing for healthy families and livable communities. Who knows, maybe Mrs. Obama will make a quick visit to the upcoming National Bike Summit to meet the nation’s Safe Routes bigwigs. We’ll keep you posted.

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