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“FollowMe” improves on popular tag-along products

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Sunday Parkways Southeast-61
Spotted a FollowMe in use at
Sunday Parkways.

Tag-alongs (a.k.a. trail-a-bikes) are common sights on the streets of Portland. They’re an excellent option for kids who are too big for a trailer, but who aren’t yet able to safely ride in traffic by themselves.

Now there’s a new twist on this popular product — the “FollowMe”. Clever Cycles (908 SE Hawthorne) has recently become a dealer for the FollowMe, which the Switzerland-based company calls a “parent-child tandem coupling” device.

(Image: FollowMe)

In a nutshell, the $399.00 FollowMe kit allows you to quickly attach your child’s complete bike to yours. It’s different from a tag-along in that your child rides their own bike. When not in use, the FollowMe folds up out of the way over your rear wheel. Also unlike a tag-along, you can still carry one kid in a child seat on your bike while towing another behind you.

I saw one of these in use at Sunday Parkways and it seemed very well engineered. It’s great to have another kid-carrying option available (and at a local bike shop no less) for Portland’s growing number of biking families.

For more on the FollowMe, cruise over to Clever Cycles or visit the manufacturer’s website.

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