for pedalers in Pioneer Square
during Bike to Work Day
festivities last year.
(Photo © J. Maus)
If the rain and wind has got you down…cheer up! It’s Bike to Work Month and there are free breakfasts and other events just around the corner.
The City of Portland’s SmartTrips crew, the Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA), Portland State University, the Lloyd District Transportation Management Association, Shift, and other organizations and businesses have teamed up to host many special events throughout the month aimed squarely at the hearts and minds of two-wheelers.
Steve Hoyt-McBeth, a project manager with the City of Portland’s Transportation Options Division, sent over a list of the events (download PDF below) and pointed out that an enterprising bike commuter could find seven free breakfasts this month (that’s out of 20 weekdays). Check out details of where to eat and learn below the jump…
Like free food and good times with fellow bike commuters? Read on…
— Every Thursday this month, PSU will host free breakfast for bikers at the South Park Blocks (SW Broadway and Montgomery), from 9:00 -11:00 am.
— Downtown commuters won’t want to miss the traditional Bike to Work festivities in Pioneer Courthouse Square on May 12th from 7:30 – 9:00 am.
— If you ride through the Lloyd Center, join the Lloyd TMA for their annual Bike to Work Breakfast on May 15th at Oregon Square (NE Holladay and 6th) from 7:30 – 9:00 am.
— Shift will host their Breakfast on the Bridges on May 29th on the Hawthorne and Steel Bridges from 7:00 – 9:00 am.
Besides free breakfast, there are also a ton of free clinics scheduled where you can get the straight dope on all things bike.
— Starting tomorrow, PBOT’s Options Division will offer workshops on touring, commuting and maintenance. Full schedule of their “Portland By Cycle” classes here.
— The BTA will host five free bike commuting clinics during May. The classes are designed to introduce people to the laws, skills, and gear that will help them be safe and confident riders. For details and RSVP information, visit the BTA website.
– On Thursday, May 7th from 1:00 – 2:00 pm, PSU’s Women’s Resource Center (1802 SW 10th Ave) will host a special “Bike Commuting 101” class that will “focus on the nuances of commuting for women”.
For a handy flyer produced by PBOT that you can print out and share with co-workers or post in your office, download this PDF (272 kb).