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Anti 12-lane CRC rally: Slideshow and open thread

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

CRC Rally-155
View of the crowd from atop
the Morrison Bridge.
-Slideshow below-
(Photos © J. Maus)

A large and energetic crowd showed up for the CRC Opposition and Alternatives Rally held in Waterfront Park today.

They were energized by a long list of speakers ranging from Portland City Councilor Amanda Fritz to Republican Washington State Senator Don Benton. The main message to the crowd was this: It’s not too late to change the course of the Columbia River Crossing project and it will be up to citizens to make it happen.

Story continues below


I’ll try to update this story with a more detailed recap later tonight (after my daughters go to bed). In the meantime, you can read the BikePortland Twitter page for live updates that were posted from the rally (thanks to Elly Blue) and you can check out the crowds, the speakers, and the signs in the photo slideshow below:

Did you go to the rally? What were your most memorable moments?

— Check out the great video of the rally put together by Dan Kaufman of CrankMyChain CycleTV!.
— The Oregonian’s Dylan Rivera has posted his report.
— Read Jim Redden’s piece just published in the Portland Tribune.
— Mayor Sam Adams wasn’t there, but he shared his thoughts about the rally on his blog.
— Check out Sarah Mirk’s report on the rally on the Portland Mercury Blog.

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