(Graphic taken from forum post by Will Heiber)
There’s an exciting effort underway to transform the field of an abandoned high school in inner Southeast Portland into a bike skills park.
A reader forwarded me a forum thread posted on the Westside Trail Federation’s website that describes the plans and the potential site. Based on postings in that forum and from talking with volunteer Will Heiberg, plans to create a cyclocross practice area, a pump track, and a youth bike skills area are already moving forward.
According to Heiberg, the effort was launched by David Reese, a local resident who wanted a place for he and his kids to ride.
Also working on the project is the Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA). They hope to use the site to teach youth biking classes to students at three nearby elementary schools.
Apparently the school has been closed for years and is owned by Portland Public Schools and managed by the City of Portland Parks and Recreation department.
If this happens (I’ll have more official details soon), it would be a fantastic addition to the riding choices and opportunities available to Portlanders.
Heiberg has started a PDX Skills Park forum to share information about the project.
Stay tuned for developments and more coverage.