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Crusaders head north for double the fun

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This weekend’s Cross Crusade
event will be all about beer,
costumes, and…oh yeah, bike racing.
(Photo J. Maus)

This weekend, scores of Portlanders will head north for the annual Halloween-edition of the Cross Crusade.

Held once again at the Clatsop Country Fairgrounds (in Astoria), this year organizers have planned the first-ever double weeekend of racing. And, as per Crusade tradition, in addition to lots of racing there will be lots of beer, partying, costumes, and good-natured mayhem.

Crusade director Brad Ross recently shared with the OBRA email list that he’ll bring four kegs of beer for the Saturday night bonfire and there will be a beer garden at the event all day Saturday and Sunday. Several of this year’s race venues, have not allowed alcohol, so I guess you could say there’s a bit of pent up demand.

On Sunday, most of the Crusaders will race in costumes. Ross wrote that, “come prepared or you’ll be ridiculed.”

In addition to ‘cross racing, there will also be a Hash run put on by the Hash House Harriers. Don’t know what a Hash is? “All you need to know is it involves running and beer,” says Ross.

Over one thousand people are expected to participate in the Crusade this weekend and many of them will be camping at the race site.

It is sure to be a great weekend and I hope to share a photo essay and recap on Monday (I won’t be there myself but hope to have help from correspondents).

For a peek at how this event went last year check out the video below by Dan Kaufman of CrankMyChain! Cycle TV.

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