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Portland rates among safest in teen driver survey

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(Photo: Drive Safety)

According to the Centers for Disease Control, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for U.S. teenagers — accounting for over 6,000 fatalities per year and 36% of all deaths in that age group.

As someone who relies on the care and skill of all drivers I share the road with, those numbers are a bit disconcerting.

The good news is that a recent nationwide survey by Allstate Insurance found that the Portland metro area was among the top-ten least deadliest for teen drivers.

Allstate conducted a nationwide safe teen driving campaign earlier this spring that studied federal crash statistics, Allstate claims data on teen collisions, and U.S. Census bureau statistics to examine the frequency of fatal crashes involving teens down to the local level around the country.

Read more about the results here.

Sharon White, with the City of Portland’s Community and Schools Traffic Safety Partnership, says that’s no fluke. “Many of our CSTSP partners are actively working with young drivers and their parents to reduce transportation injuries and fatalities involving teen drivers.”

She points to several programs and services that have had an impact on making our streets safer by educating teen drivers:

I have worked with Ms. White and many of her colleagues at the City of Portland and at partnering agencies and organizations. I can say from experience that they are some of most dedicated people you will ever meet and we all owe them our gratitude and thanks.

As the results of this comprehensive report show, their work is making an important impact on the safety of our streets.

— Download the Executive Summary of “Allstate America’s Teen Driving Hotspots” Study here (576kb, PDF)
— Visit Community and Schools Traffic Safety Partnership website.

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