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Today at City Council: Bikes set for major boost in Parks SDC funding

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Switching gears for a moment from my 2008 National Bike Summit coverage

Portland City Council will hear public testimony and vote today on a proposal that would leverage System Development Charges (SDCs) over the next 12 years. SDCs are one-time fees assessed on new development to cover a portion of the cost for providing specific types of public infrastructure required as a result of the development.

Of particular note to bike lovers is that since the inception of the Parks SDCs revision effort, the funds dedicated to trails has increased from about 2% to 7.6%. This increase was made in no small part due to effective lobbying and testimony given to City Council by Scott Bricker from the Bicycle Transportation Alliance in a public hearing back in December.

Trails advocate Jim Labbe is excited for the new funding; “Parks projects that SDC funds alone will allow the acquisition and development of 12 to 15 miles of new trail (depending on trail width). And this doesn’t include the other trail funding these dollars will leverage.”

The list of bike-related projects that are slated to benefit from these funds include the creation of bike boulevards and bike improvements on NE Marine Drive and SE Foster Road.

Insiders say Council is expected to pass the proposal, but public testimony on its behalf is strongly encouraged.

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