(Photo from Zoobomb Forum)
Late Monday night, a house fire in Southwest Portland claimed the life of Cody Reuwsaat.
Cody was a professional artist, specializing in horror make-up and props (the Willamette Week wrote a story about his work last year). Cody was also a friend of many people in the community and a regular Zoobomber.
Word of his untimely death (he was only 28) spread quickly on the Zoobomb forum and plans are set for a memorial Zoobomb tonight, proceeded by a potluck and gathering of friends.
After taking some unforgettable photos of him at last year’s Mini Bike Winter Chariot Wars event (how can you forget that face!?), I finally met the man behind the make-up at a potluck brunch held before this year’s Chariot Wars. It was hard to believe this kind, unassuming man was the same person I knew only from my photographs.
Cody’s friends on the Zoobomb forum describe him as being, “amazingly talented” and a “gentle giant.”
His art and his presence will be missed.