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PDOT announces Sunday Parkways open houses

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The City of Portland is holding two public open houses for residents to learn more about their Sunday Parkways event planned for this June in North Portland.

The one-day event (which PDOT hopes to repeat if it’s successful) is an opportunity for North Portland residents to get out and be active in their own neighborhood, without traffic. The route will be a six-mile loop of traffic-tree streets in North Portland.

At the open houses, residents will be able to ask questions of PDOT staff, hear more details about the event, and enter a drawing to win a kid’s bike from Bike Gallery or a $100 gift certificate from Foot Traffic.

PDOT also wants to hear comments, concerns, suggestions, and ideas for fun and healthy activities neighbors would like to see in the four parks and along the route (a lot of very fun stuff is already confirmed!).

Staff from the Transportation Options Division within PDOT shared details of their plans and the proposed route map back in November.

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