This article was written by former City of Milwaukie resident Matt Picio. Matt, who recently moved to Southeast Portland, is an active member of the bike community.
In addition to his work on the bicycle chapter of Milwaukie’s new Transportation System Plan, he has led rides with Shift and is the executive director of the Community Exchange Cycle Touring Club.
The Milwaukie City Council recently voted to accept a new Transportation System Plan (TSP). The plan was developed by their in-house planning staff in cooperation with a consulting firm and massive public involvement. This document, an update of the original 1997 TSP, contains a number of bicycle projects and goals for the City of Milwaukie (located a few miles south of Portland).
Over the course of six months, two bicycle workshops were held as part of the TSP update process. During those workshops, a number of issues were identified: a lack of north-south and east-west connectivity, poor bike lane maintenance, substandard intersections, and difficulty crossing major arterial and freight routes like 99E, Highway 224, and the Union Pacific railroad tracks.

(Photo: Matt Picio)
City Planner Katie Mangle and Assistant Planner Brett Kelver worked with Alan Snook of DKS Associates to create a Bicycle Master Plan for inclusion into the TSP.
Workshops were held to specifically address the concept of Bicycle Boulevards. Emily Gardner of the BTA was on-hand for this meeting to provide input and the planning department identified 3 key corridors that could be converted into Bike Boulevards, along the current streets of Monroe, Stanley, and 29th Avenue.
These projects were prioritized along with intersection improvements, repaving and restriping, and other projects for inclusion into the bicycle chapter of the TSP.
The compiled projects and Bike Master Plan were presented to the general public at an open house in August, after which a draft bicycle chapter was posted on the city’s website. Specific projects expected to be funded include:
- A bicycle boulevard following the 29th Ave / Harvey / 40th Ave alignment
- Citywide bicycle signage
- Citywide bike lane maintenance
- A bicycle boulevard along Monroe St from 21st Ave to Linwood
- Improvements to the existing bike lanes along 17th from Waverly to Harrison
Over 20 additional priority projects were identified but have no current or projected funding available to implement them. They were included in case additional funding sources are made available in the future.
You can view the most recent draft (which is very close to what was adopted) of the TSP on the city of Milwaukie’s website.