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Final Cross Crusade stop will be muddy affair

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Cross Crusade #2 Hillsboro
Post-race at last year’s event.
(Photo © Jonathan Maus)

Tomorrow is the final stop in the 2007 River City Bicycles Cross Crusade.

The event will be held at Hillsboro Stadium and with the rain we’ve had the past few days, the race is sure to be muddy and challenging.

The event will also be the official Oregon Bicycle Racing Association (OBRA) State Championships. Race winners from each category will be crowned with the distinction of being the fastest ‘cross racers in Oregon.

Last year, the Hillsboro course was one of the muddiest all year, and tomorrow should be no different. Check out my photo gallery and report from that event as a preview to what might be in store for tomorrow.

Also, watch this space for a live webcast courtesy of CrankMyChain! Cycle TV.

To whet (or should I say wet) your appetite, below is my slideshow from last year’s race at Hillsboro…

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.

Hope to see you there!

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