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Remembering Brett Jarolimek

At the intersection of
N. Interstate and Greeley.
(Photo © Jonathan Maus)

Nearly a month passed since we lost Brett Jarolimek, but signs of his life and actions spurred by his passing continue.

The Bike Gallery (where Brett worked) has established a memorial fund in his honor. The fund will,

“support the cause of bicycle safety through strategic partnerships and direct support of projects intended to 1) enhance motorist awareness and education, 2) enhance the awareness, visibility and education of bicyclists, and 3) enable bicycle safety infrastructure projects on a selected basis. This will include funding of grassroots projects initiated by individuals in the community.”

The Bike Gallery plans to match first-year donations to the fund up to $10,000. Learn about how to submit your project for consideration on the fund’s web page.

At the intersection of Brett’s collision, a memorial has sprung up. A life-sized stencil of Brett riding has been painted on the wall of the underpass alongside a metal, bike-riding sculpture.

Brett had many friends in the OBRA community. They’ve honored his passing with a Brett Jarolimek tribute page on their website. The page features a photo of Brett along with a poem by his good friend Matt Hall. Matt read this poem at Brett’s memorial. It was personal, funny, and poignant. It reads in part,

“You will own the hole-shot.
You won’t trip on barriers.
We will cheer for you on every run-up.
You will never be over-geared.
You won’t get poison oak.
And no one will stare at your ankles.
Those rain pants you made……
will be the right size.”

Read the full poem here.

In light of not just Brett’s crash, but those of Tracey Sparling and Siobhan Doyle as well, River City Bicycles has devoted their ad in the Willamette Week to an important safety message: “Please check your blind spot.”

River City Bicycles ad in the Willamette Week
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