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Cross report: Horning’s Hideout brings on the hurt

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

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Towering trees provided a
gorgeous backdrop to the action.
(Photos © Jonathan Maus)
Slideshow below

The River City Bicycles Cross Crusade marched on yesterday with a stop at Horning’s Hideout, a private ranch nestled in the hills above North Plains. Following up record-breaking participation last week, race officials reported another impressive turnout of 906 racers.

These valiant Crusaders faced a challenging (to put it nicely) course full of unforgiving bumps, jarring descents, gravel patches, and slippery, off-camber turns.

The course left many racers exhausted and depleted. Fortunately, it seemed like the spectators (many of them racers too) sensed the strain and cheered extra loud and energetic. Cowbells clanged and supporters screamed; audibly willing the racers to keep moving forward no matter the pain.

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Team Beer captain John Howe cheers on the climb.

One of them was River City Bicycles owner Dave Guettler. After battling the course in his own race, I noticed him running around cheering on his young daughter Haley. “Last week she rode three laps,” he said, “this time, if she just finishes one, that’d be great.”

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For Portland software developer Brian Ellin, the course demanded special equipment: a beat-up, antique, Schwinn cruiser.

Yes, as bumps and gravel thrashed multi-thousand dollar ‘cross rigs (I saw a crankarm shear off right in front of me), there was Brian Ellin, decked out in cutoff blue jeans and a flannel shirt, smiling as he somehow managed to complete five laps on his fender-flapping, balloon-tired beast.

On the other end of the spectrum was pro rider Adam Craig. Craig demolished the Mens A field and floated through the course. He toyed with the climbs, bunny-hopped over the barriers, and turned in a scorching lap time of 5:22 seconds. Wow. (Check out video of Mr. Craig hopping the barriers on CrankMyChain!)

And for all you cyclocross fashion watchers (I know you’re out there) take note: The hot new trend for ladies is knee-high socks. I noticed several women sporting these sexy leggings:

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Next week, the action moves north to Rainer, Oregon.

For a excellent video montage from Horning’s check out Rev Phil’s “Breath of Fresh Pain” over at CrankMyChain!

Stay tuned for more cyclocross coverage and sit back and enjoy my slideshow from Horning’s Hideout:

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.

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