You can help decide the future
design of light rail stations.
(Photo © Jonathan Maus)
design of light rail stations.
(Photo © Jonathan Maus)
As part of the Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Project, Metro is looking for your input to design “vibrant, attractive and safe” light rail stations.
Here’s more from Metro:
“Light rail stations have the ability to transform the communities they are in. Areas that have stations become destinations for commerce and gathering places for local residents…
…The workshops will help to identify important information such as station access for riders, street improvements, traffic circulation for affected vehicles, transit connections and redevelopment opportunities.”
Here are the details for the workshop:
- Thursday October 11, 6 PM to 8:30 PM
Sellwood Middle School Cafeteria
8300 SE 15th Ave.
(This workshop will focus on station areas around SE Harold St., SE Bybee, SE Tacoma St. off SE McLoughlin Blvd.)
Learn more about the workshop and view materials on Metro’s website.