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Bricker will address Congress about Safe Routes Program

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Oregon Bicycle Summit
BTA Interim Director
Scott Bricker
(Photo: Jonathan Maus)

Scott Bricker, the Interim Executive Director of the Portland-based Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA), is set to testify before a Congressional committee during a trip to Washington DC next week.

On Monday, Bricker will join Deb Hubsmith of the Safe Routes to School National Partnership, and the Chairman of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee James Oberstar (D-MN), for a press conference where they will unveil the most recent National Safe Routes to School Report.

On Tuesday, Bricker and Hubsmith will testify before the Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee on Highways and Transit to brief them on the Safe Routes to School Program.

Bricker — who has a Masters degree in urban planning from PSU — started his career with the BTA in 1998 as head of their bicycle safety education programs and was a key player in the creation of their Safe Routes to School curriculum.

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