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Living car-free (with a kid) in The OC

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Someone just sent me a link to a story in my old hometown newspaper, the Orange County Register.

The article, Giving up car revs family up, details the transformation that occurred in a family from Santa Ana, California when they ditched their ailing, money-pit of a car and started riding bikes instead.

The Cave Family running some errands.
(Photo: Michael Goulding, The Orange County Register)

Their story proves that going car-free — even in concrete, suburban tract home, car dominated Orange County — is not only possible, but enjoyable and invigorating.

Here’s an excerpt from the article:

“”The biggest obstacle is your own attitude,” says Erick, 38…”It’s getting out of that car mentality that’s so much a part of us.”

…They’ve discovered new restaurants. Met new people. Rediscovered their own neighborhood.

Within two months they paid off two credit cards. No car meant no car bills. It also meant no quick trips to Taco Bell. No morning jolt of Starbucks. No impulse buys of jeans or toys at Target.

“It’s as if your boss came in,” he says, “and asked if you wanted a 35 percent raise.””

If the Cave Family can do it, surely more of us Portlanders can too.

Read the full article (I especially enjoyed the Q & A).

[Thanks to Ethan for the tip!]

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