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Portland inspires bike corrals in Canada

Mississippi St. Bike Parking
On-street “bike corral” in north Portland.
(Photo: Jonathan Maus)

It looks like Portland’s on-street bike parking program has inspired the city of Victoria, British Columbia.

An article published Sunday in the Victoria Times Colonist reports that, due to a demand for on-street, high-quality bike parking that outstrips supply, Victoria has modeled a bike parking program after Portland.

The article says City of Victoria traffic planner Steve Hutchison modeled their program after “a design used in Portland, Oregon.”

Reporter Carolyn Heiman also reports that a popular outdoor gear shop has installed a $20,000 covered bike shelter (similar in theory to the new Bike Oases) in front of their store. Less expensive “corrals” (like those recently installed off N. Mississippi and on SE Belmont) are also being built.

Here’s a quote from a Victoria business owner that reminded me of a common occurence in Portland,

“As many as 20 bicycle owners vie for six or seven spots, such as tree trunks or lamp posts, where they can lock their bikes…Unless your head is in the sand, we need to look at ways to get people out of vehicles.”

Sound familiar?

Read the full article here.

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