A commenter just pointed out that, in response to concern from the community, KGW has published a correction in one of their stories about the road rage incident on SE Clinton Street on August 17th.
In two recent posts, I pointed out my concern that KGW’s story was perpetuating the incorrect notion that cyclist Ben Ramsdell kicked the driver’s car before the collision. In reality, this is merely a claim made by the driver (who faces four counts of felony assault). When I followed up with a Police spokesman about it, they told me their investigators found it not to be true.
Here is the original version of their story that I found misleading:
“Police say the driver, Johnny Eschweiler, had road rage and deliberately hit a different bicyclist who kicked his car.”
Here is the updated version of the same paragraph as of 10:30pm last night:
“Police say the driver, Johnny Eschweiler, deliberately hit a different bicyclist who the driver claimed had kicked his car. The cyclist denies kicking the car.”
I’m glad they’ve made this correction on at least one of their stories. Unfortunately I doubt many of the people who originally heard this will notice.
Thanks to everyone who wrote in and voiced concern. I hope they are more careful and sensitive in the future.