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SK Northwest will appeal yet again

After it seemed like the final nail had been put in the coffin on SK Northwest’s development proposal, they have announced yet another appeal.

A quick look back at my coverage shows that this would be their fifth appeal since June 2006.

Red shows lot in question.
(Graphic via Google Earth)

According to comments on my recent post by alleged SK Northwest employees, they feel the City should pay for the trail and that a trail across their property would be a threat to public safety.

Employee “Jason” wrote,

“If the city demands we have a trail though our property then I believe they should pay for and maintain it…”

And “M” wrote,

“SK is looking out for the interest of the public. With a trail running through the property, the risk of injuries and causes to health-related issues is high…If Portland is such a bike-friendly town, why are we going to want a bike path going through a hazardous/unsafe zone where bicyclists are prone to accidents?

The city should be responsible for this considering that this particular property is privately owned.

It’s like asking Costco or some big business to build a bike path through their parking lot…who would want to do that when you got traffic going in and out constantly?”

I haven’t been able to track down the appeal document on the Bureau of Development Services website, but I’ll update this post if/when I get a copy of it.

Stay tuned. This could go on for a long time.

For full coverage, view my SK Northwest archives.

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