Photo: Todd Boulanger
Here’s a heads up on Oregon’s Share the Road license plate bill (S.B. 789) from BTA lobbyist Scott Bricker.
He just called from Salem to remind us that the bill has come a long way since I wrote about it last month. It has made it through a full Senate vote and through the necessary House committees.
It is now just a few days from being heard and receiving a vote in front of the full Oregon House of Representatives and then being signed into law by the Governor.
The bill is being championed by Eugene Democrat Floyd Prozanski, who was a friend of the late cyclist Jane Higdon. Higdon’s partner, Thomas Jefferson — who you might recall from his speech at the Oregon Bicycle Summit — is also officially named on the bill.
If this bill passes, Oregon will join many states who already offer a Share the Road plate including Florida (the #1 road rage state), Georgia, Texas, and our neighbors to the north, Washington.