We all know the failing, old, Sellwood Bridge is a major broken link in our transportation network. Or, as the BTA puts it:
“The Sellwood Bridge has extremely dangerous and inadequate bicycle and pedestrian facilities (a single 4-foot sidewalk on one side only)….the BTA has determined that the Sellwood Bridge is the major barrier to bicycling in the Portland region.”
Now, Multnomah County (they own the bridge) wants to hear from us about it. They’ve just released a survey asking for input on various alignment and facility alternatives.

This is a key part of the their process. Emily Gardner, the BTA’s policy advocate, has some specific advice:
- Questions 14 and 15: if a 4-lane cross-section is chosen, it will look and operate much like the Ross Island Bridge (as opposed to a human-scale bridge like the Hawthorne Bridge). Please support options that either limit the number of lanes, or that reserve additional lanes for transit purposes.
Questions 16 and 17: support ALL options (bike lanes, sidewalks AND multi-use path).
This is an important opportunity to shape this process and make the new Sellwood Bridge a safe, convenient and efficient crossing for everyone.
Take the survey now, and tell your friends to do the same.