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Blumenauer asks for help with "new page scandal"

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You might have heard of the page scandal in Washington DC recently.

Pages are 15-16 year-old high school students who run errands for House members.

Opening Plenary at the Nat'l Bike Summit
James Koski and Blumenauer Legislative
assistant Katie Drennan

Now Blumenauer says there’s another page scandal brewing. He told the audience at the opening of the Summit that the Page Board has proclaimed that pages are no longer allowed to ride bicycles.

According to Koski, the pages (who serve several week stints in DC) all stay in a dorm that does not have adequate bicycle facilities and the Page Board is, “apparently worried about security and doesn’t want to be responsible for lost bikes.”

I spoke with Blumenauer’s policy aide James Koski about this and he said they plan to write a letter opposing this decision. Congressman Blumenauer also implored the assembled crowd to ask about this on Capitol Hill tomorrow.

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