As part of the East Side Big Pipe construction project, the Bureau of Environmental Services will fund $2 million worth of projects to, “neighborhoods and business districts affected by combined sewer overflow construction”. They call it their Community Benefits Opportunity Program.
Anyone can apply for this money (projects will be selected in October 2007) and they’re funding things like tree plantings, traffic calming measures, trails, and facilities that promote pedestrian and bicycle use.
The grants are being put together by various organizations and I know of at least four exciting bike projects that have a good chance of getting funded. The applications aren’t finalized yet (they’re due next week) so I can’t share all the details, but here is a brief summary of each project (the last three excerpts were taken directly from drafts of grant applications):
Rose Quarter Bicycle Access
This is a biggie. Bike access around the Rose Quarter has been complicated and sometimes thorny issue between TriMet, PDOT, and the BTA for a long time, it would be fantastic to finally make some real improvements! This application calls for improved signage, more bike lanes, and more.
The Clinton Crossing Project
“This project addresses the needs of inner SE Portland residents to have safe, comfortable and direct access by walking and bicycling to the Willamette River, the Central City, and local commercial districts. The primary goal of the project is to correct current deficiencies in bicycle and pedestrian access between Portland’s inner southeast neighborhoods and the Willamette River. Its secondary goal is to improve bicycle access between the Brooklyn Neighborhood and the network of east-west bikeways north of Powell.”
Clay Street Green Street Project
“This project is designed to enhance and encourage bicycle use between Portland’s close-in southeast neighborhoods and various significant destinations, including the Springwater Trail and Eastbank Esplanade, and the Downtown and Central City.”
North Portland Trails Access Project
“The primary goal of the North Portland Trails Access Project is to correct current deficiencies in bicycle and pedestrian access between Kenton and other nearby neighborhoods and the excellent trails and parks system in North Portland.”
The funding and selection process for these projects is competitive so these are not a done deal. In the next week or so I’ll bring you more details on each one and ask for your support and feedback.
Stay tuned for maps and PDFs of each application.