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Portlander starts Bakfiets Blog

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward
[Screenshot from Richard’s blog]

Northeast Portland resident Richard Wilson is on a Dutch bike kick. Like myself, he’s especially smitten with cargo bikes, or “bakfiets.”

In fact, he likes them so much, he’s started a Bakfiets blog that he hopes will become the, “…go-to resource for bakfiets and to stimulate serious interest in the bike as a solution for the US market.”

Richard’s motivation is not just from bike lust, he’s also expecting his second child next month and he’s looking forward to blogging about how well babies and bakfiets mix.

Richard recently took delivery of a new bakfiets from The Dutch Bicycle Company, a Florida-based company I mentioned back in August.

[Can’t do this with a Burley]

I think 2007 will be the Year of the Utility Bike here in the U.S. I’ve noticed a surge in interest from the media, cyclists, and the bike industry in utility, cargo and commuter bikes.

Believe it or not, cargo bikes have started the march toward mainstream; Surly’s got a stock Xtracycle long-bike, and a U.S.-based importer of Dutch bikes told me that one of his bakfiets models will be featured in an upcoming issue of Cookie Magazine, a glossy mag for well-to-do American mommies.

Can Oprah be far behind? Will bikes supplant the mini-van as the vehicle of choice for soccer moms? That remains to be seen, but I think we’re on the verge of a small-scale tipping point phenomenon.

These types of bikes are long overdue in the U.S. and I’m sure it won’t be long before someone opens a dutch bike shop in Portland (hint, hint).

Three cheers for bakfiets!

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