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BBC TV will point their cameras on a bike move

Puppet parade bike move
[Scene from a
recent bike move.]

A producer with the BBC has been poking around the bike scene recently. I heard she was putting together a story about Portland’s sustainability and wanted to feature something about bikes.

At first she mentioned wanting to talk with someone who makes their living by bike but I encouraged her to delve into the wonderful world of Portland bike moves. I sent her links to my reports and photos on this proud local tradition and she was instantly convinced.

Luckily, there happens to be someone needing to move on the same day the producer had available. So that’s it…the BBC will be in town on August 5th to get some footage of a local bike move. Wow, international exposure for gloriously fun and efficient bike-power. Does it get any better that?

If you’d like to help with this bike move, check out the details here.

If you want to see what a bike move is all about, check out this Bike Move video from Clarence Eckerson of BikeTV and visit the official Move by Bike page on the

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