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Stolen bike bought from thief, returned to owner

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

A few days ago I was hanging out on my street talking to a neighbor. Suddenly, riding toward me on a strange bike with a huge grin on his face was a friend of mine, known as West Cougar. When he got closer, I noticed the bike was a green Kronan (a Swedish military bike similar to the ones used out at the Nike Campus) and I instantly realized why he was smiling.

This bike was recently posted on the Stolen Bike Listings and West Cougar had just bought it off some guy on the corner for $150!

Here’s how West Cougar remembers it:

“I was riding home from work north on Albina. While waiting on the red light this dude rides by in the cross walk on this sweet Kronan. I was like, no freakin’ way did that guy buy a Swedish military bike that isn’t even being imported anymore. So when the light changed, I crossed the street then tailed him for a couple blocks. He was in absolutely no hurry and it was hard for me to not be noticed. I finally just crossed the street and struck up a conversation about his nice bike. Then asked him if he wanted to sell it. At first he wanted $250, but I wrinkled my face and said “I dunno…” He came down to $150 and then I said OK.”

The owner, “tim” gives thanks:

“Thanks to west cougar my bike is back less than one week after it was stolen. Proves that there is hope if we keep our eyes open. Thanks to everyone involved, this list, all the people who wrote with advice and encouragement, and of course to west cougar – a gentleman and a scholar.”

Chalk up another win for the bike community! Keep your eyes peeled out there, and remember to check the Stolen Bike Listings for hot bikes that may crop up on a street near you.

So far, twelve bikes listed on this site have been recovered. Read about the others here.

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