The Community and School Traffic Safety Partnership is a group with the City of Portland Office of Transportation that focuses on bicycle and pedestrian safety, reducing driver error, and Safe Routes to School. They’ve got $300,000 to spend on bike and ped projects over the next two years and they’ve released a list of 28 proposed projects (PDF) that might get funded. This list has been sent out to neighborhood district coaltions for review and feedback so now is the time to speak up.
You’ve got until February 28th to look at this list of proposed projects (PDF) and offer feedback. Work on the final list is slated to begin this Spring. Please review them and leave your feedback in the comments. There’s also a handy map (PDF) with numbers that correspond to the listed projects.
If you’re wondering how they went about choosing these projects, here’s the criteria they used:
- Need identified in Bicycle Master Plan or other policy document
- Problem location identified during the Bicycle Safety Leadership Workshop held in each district coalition during Summer, 2005
- Feedback from the Southeast Uplift Bicycle Safety Group for projects within their district coalition
- Providing safety enhancements at a high risk area (i.e. location with a crash history or reported near misses)
- Providing alternative routes to avoid high risk areas
- Areas identified in last summer’s Bike Safety Leadership Workshops held at the district coalition level
- Cost-benefit of proposed solution
- Geographic equity