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Bike Gallery bash to launch Platinum

the new Trek "Portland"
[The new Trek “Portland”]

The City of Portland Office of Transportation has just announced that the official launch of their “Portland Go Platinum” campaign (website) will happen Thursday night at Bike Gallery‘s downtown location. The announcement will piggyback on the “Ride Portland” event being planned by Bike Gallery to celebrate the arrival of the new Trek “Portland” model.

Bike Gallery will host an impressive list of dignitaries including City Commissioners Sam Adams and Randy Leonard, Congressman Earl Blumenauer, BTA Executive Direct Evan Manvel, Bike Gallery owner Jay Graves, and Oregonian columnist Jonathan Nicholas. The party will honor, “the bicycle advocates and riders that helped put Portland on the map as the City that Rides”.

The City’s Platinum Strategy is a nine-part initiative aimed at making Portland a world class cycling city and the first large U.S. city to gain Platinum status, a designation created by the League of American Bicyclists.

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