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New pavement markings for bike boulevards

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

bikeblvdFirst we told you about the new “sharrows” coming soon to select Portland streets…now I’ve just got word from the city that “700 or so” additional pavement markings will be installed on bicycle boulevards starting next week. Bicycle boulevards are designated, low-traffic bike routes without bike lanes, such as SE Ankeny, SE Salmon, NE Tillamook and others.

Here’s the scoop from city of Portland Bicycle Coordinator, Roger Geller:

“The circles will be white with a cut-out bike that will show the pavement. They’ll be 1-foot in diameter. Where we wish to show a change in direction we’ll include the arrow to point people the way to go. We’ll be installing about 700 or so of these on existing bike boulevards, every 600-800 feet in each direction of travel (so they’ll actually appear every 300 feet or so). We hope to begin installing them in the next week or so.”

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