As you may remember from a comment to a previous post, Trek Bicycles is planning on a new bike model for 2006 called the “Portland”. This last weekend, Trek held its annual dealer-only show and photos of this new bike are just now starting to show up on web forums.
I was hoping for more of a city/urban warrior type of bike, but it looks like Trek decided to make the Portland a winter training bike for racing enthusiasts. It also looks like it would easily double as a cyclocross bike just by adding some knobby tires.
Either way, it’s pretty cool that the largest bike brand in the world has been duly inspired to name a bike after us.
In other news, I have recently heard that some movers and shakers in the local bicycle industry are meeting to discuss the feasibility of a home-grown bike brand. This potential new bike company would specialize in commuter and city bikes and would leverage Portland’s bike-friendly reputation in its marketing plan.
[Thanks for the tip David! Photo taken from a post to the forums at RoadBikeReview.com by “unclefuzzy_ss”]