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N Willamette’s bike lanes finally connect to St. Johns

New Bike Lanes to St. Johns!

The Portland Bureau of Transportation has completed a crucial connection in the bike network. On Monday of this week they striped bike lanes in both directions of North Willamette Blvd between Alma and Richmond. This half-mile stretch of Willamette didn’t have a bike lane before, despite it being a very important bike route and a key connection to the St. Johns neighborhood.

The work is part of a two phase “quick build” striping plan that comes as a precursor to the major, federally funded Willamette Boulevard Active Transportation Corridor project that will break ground next year. Earlier this month they made significant upgrades just south of this section between N Carey and Portsmouth.

As you can see in the video above (filmed Thursday, 9/26) the new bike lanes are unprotected and paint-only, but they come with a sizable buffer zone. That buffer zone will be filled in with concrete curbs similar to the ones on North Rosa Parks next year.


In order to gain the space needed for these new bike lanes, PBOT no longer allows on-street car parking. This means door-zones have been eliminated and bike riders have dedicated space that gives them not just greater protection from other road users, but gives them more favorable legal standing in the event of a collision.

When I was out there yesterday, the bike lanes were crowded with riders. With University of Portland, Roosevelt High School, Fred Meyer, and many other destinations along this route, Willamette will likely increase the number of bike trips in future months and years. And that’s to say nothing about its valuable role as a gateway to the St. Johns Bridge, west hills, Sauvie Island, and many other popular bike routes along Highway 30 and beyond.

There’s been some grumbling about people parking in these bike lanes, but I didn’t see that at all while I was out there. PBOT likely has a bit more polishing to do with signage and other small tweaks before this project is 100% complete, so let’s keep an eye on it and make sure folks comply with the new no-parking rule.

Get out there and try it out this weekend!

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