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Open streets season begins Sunday in east Portland!

Skate, scoot, or cycle — the streets are ours! (Jonathan Maus/BikePortland)

This Sunday, the City of Portland will launch its annual open streets season. East Portland Sunday Parkways is a 3.3-mile out-and-back route between Gateway Park on NE Halsey to Lincoln Park on SE Mill.

If you’ve never attended one of these events, you can rest assured conditions are safe enough for all riders and ages. You can expect mostly carfree streets and whenever the route crosses a major street there is a human crossing guard that makes sure everyone gets across safely. But safe riding is just one thing to get excited about!

What really makes Parkways shine is what happens along the route. The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) stuffs the three parks along the route full with vendor booths, food carts, music and performance stages, and free activities of all types. It’s also fun to see garage sales, lemonade stands, and impromptu front-yard parties that spring up at houses along the route.


If you don’t have a bike, you can grab a Biketown and get unlimited, free 60-minute rides on the day of the event (as long as you start and end your ride on the route). If you want to ride free longer than 60 minutes, just lock the bike and then restart another trip.

Here are a few other special happenings you can expect on Sunday (via PBOT):

Family-Friendly Activities: Families can explore the joy of circus performance through physical and artistic expression with Circus Cascadia, enjoy games with Portland in the Streets, and much more.

Kaiser Permanente’s Sticker Hunt: During the event, Sunday Parkways Presenting Sponsor Kaiser Permanente will host the popular Sticker Hunt. Participants will win a prize by visiting the Kaiser Permanente booths at each park. Each booth will inspire participants to get their body moving while also having a load of fun! 

Bike Play performances at Lincoln Park at 1:40 and 2:00 pm.


Bike Programming: Participants can belt out their favorite tunes while riding the route with bike karaoke hosted by NakedHeartsPDX. Boom Bike PDX will serenade our open streets with performances by Larry Peace-Love Yes and Dan Kaufman on their pedal-powered mobile stage. Bike Play, a beloved Pedalpalooza favorite, invites participants to immerse themselves in their creative and entertaining performances! These diverse bike activities showcase the vibrant spirit of Portland’s cycling culture.

Mobility Resources: With bike fleets and free 60-minute rides offered from BIKETOWN and Adaptive BIKETOWN, individuals can access bicycles suited to their preferences and needs. The Rose City Roller’s Skatemobile will provide free skate rentals from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m., inviting roller enthusiasts to join in the festivities. TriMet’s Fan Van will be on-site for those interested in exploring transit resources. Lime will on-site for participants to learn more about their electric scooters.

Food options:

Another cool way to enhance your experience is to join a group ride at or to the event. One person is leading a BIPOC and Friends ride that will cruise the entire route from Gateway Park south. There’s even a Bike Bus to Parkways ride being led by Kidical Mass PDX that will meet at Rose City Park playground at 11:40 and head over to the parkways route.

Parkways is a chance for us to live our vision. While I wish it lasted longer, happened more often, and took place on major streets — those quibbles melt away whenever I show up and see all the beautiful happy people enjoying our city from the seat of their bikes.

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