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Disaster Relief Trials tests mettle of bikes and their riders (video)

Ride Along with the Disaster Relief Trials

The longer I document bike culture, the more I realize just how much a bike and a motivated rider can do together. Just when I feel like I’ve seen it all, I am once again inspired and amazed.

This phenomenon came into play once again at the 10th annual Disaster Relief Trials, which were held Saturday at Cully Park in Northeast Portland.

The idea that bicycles can play a big role after a big disaster strikes has gone from the fringe to the mainstream in the past decade or so and this event is a big reason why. Organizers set up a mock re-supply run set four days after a disaster. There were a series of checkpoints and challenges each of the 30 or so competitors had to deal with. Among the tasks needed to finish were navigational skills, loading awkward objects, and lifting their bicycle (and trailer) over a park bench.

And while we say “cargo bikes,” there really is no limit to what type of vehicle can be used in the DRT — as long as it’s not a gas-powered one. We’ve seen someone complete the course on a skateboard in year’s past. And this year Ryan Hashagen did the course on roller skates while pushing a grocery cart!

In our video of this year’s event, you’ll see how it all went down. Amit Zinman captured some great shots of the bikes, the people, and a lot of the action out on the course.

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