(Photos: Johnson Family)

Good news: We finally celebrated baby’s first bike ride!
It took some work, some tears, and some special parts and orders, but we finally got a car seat set up cozily (and securely) in the front box. It’s exciting and happy to be riding again. I’m huffing and puffing, that’s for sure, but I’m smiling. I do that more often when I ride a bike.
Yes, I am toting four kids around, with the addition of the trailer, making room for five or even six kids total: the baby plus two little ones can ride in the front box, two in the trailer, and, um, quite hypothetically, one seated on the back rack. (I saw a photo of Emily Finch with a similar set-up to which my first reaction was: I would never pull that many kids! And look, here we are, one year later. Who’d have thought?)
I’m still getting the hang of it… and I admit I am wondering if an electric bike is in our future. But I feel pretty excited to be able to pull this family, under my own power, for now. We’re not fast. We don’t go far. But we’re riding.
As for biking-with-baby: there’s a lot more to say about that. I expect a mix of happy encouragement followed by, “Biking with a baby? Have you lost your mind? No common sense! What is the world coming to?”
I’m looking forward to that conversation. But this week, I just want to savor this victory, enjoy our celebration, and ride my bike.