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Alice Awards tickets sales, ‘transportation champion’ nominations now open

The notable heroes behind the awards: (L to R) Alice B. Toklas, Elizabeth Jennings Graham, Bud Clark.
(Images: Biography/A & E, Zinn Education Project, Jonathan Maus/BikePortland)

The traditionally formal Alice Awards gala will morph into an outdoor block party this year and The Street Trust says everyone is invited.

The revamped event will happen at the Ankeny Cart Blocks on October 2nd from 12:00 to 3:00 pm. Tickets sales opened Thursday and you can grab one for $15 a piece.


In addition to food and drinks and fun and merriment, The Street Trust will recognize three people with special awards. And they’ll consider nominations from the public (that means you!). The three awards to be given out this year are: the Alice Award (formerly named the Alice B Toeclips award after Alice B. Toklas), which goes to, “a community member who forwards The Street Trust’s mission of advocating for multimodal transportation options that prioritize safety, accessibility, equity, and climate justice in the Portland Metro Region and beyond”; the Elizabeth Jennings Graham Award (named after a 19th century transit activist), “Given to a community member or organization actively championing transportation justice and equity”; and the Bud Clark Award (named after former Portland mayor who popularized bicycling), “Given to a community member who has sustained long-term support for The Street Trust’s work and mission.”

Nominations close at 5:00 pm this coming Monday (September 20th), so get yours in via this handy form soon!

And here’s that ticket link one more time.

— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and
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