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Process kicks off for Oregon City – West Linn carfree bridge concept plan

The current bridge isn’t ADA compatible (not to mention it has no space for cycling).
(Photo: Jonathan Maus/BikePortland)

Back in September we shared news of an exciting project to determine the feasibility of building a new, carfree bridge over the Willamette River between Oregon City and West Linn.

Now the project has a website and ODOT is looking for people to join the official advisory committee. They’ve also set the date and time for the first committee meeting.

According to ODOT’s website, the Oregon City – West Linn Pedestrian and Bicycle Bridge Concept Plan is needed because the current bridge lacks bike paths or sidewalks that meet ADA standards. The plan will:


— ​Identify a safe, separated option for a crossing between West Linn and Oregon City.
— ​Connect important regional bicycle and pedestrian routes.
— ​Provide opportunities for investment in West Linn and Oregon City, including the Old City Hall District, Industrial Heritage District, Willamette Falls Downtown District and downtown Oregon City.
— ​The plan will include technical analysis on the alignment options which will assess bridge feasibility, integration and connectivity to the adjacent biking and walking networks.

ODOT also needs more people on the Project Advisory Committee. Everyone is welcome to apply and applications are due tomorrow (Friday, January 22nd). You can find the application on the project website.

— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and
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