Welcome back (sort of). BikePortland is still in Holiday-mode, but since there were a few stories I wanted to address I popped back in to the office. And it just doesn’t feel right to start the week without a Monday Roundup, so here are the most notable items we came across in the past seven days…
Bike share lawsuit: Motivate/Lyft, the company behind Portland’s Biketown system, is being sued in New York on the basis of claims by CitiBike riders that front brakes caused crashes.
Another World Cup for Clara: Oregon’s own Clara Honsinger nabbed another 2nd place against the best riders in the world at the UCI Cyclocross World Cup.
Truth meant to hurt: City officials in Cambridge, Massachusetts plan to post bright yellow warning stickers at gas stations to remind people that burning gas promotes climate change.
Bike shop with a purpose: Members of the Navajo Nation in Arizona now have a place to buy and fix bikes thanks to the Silver Stallion Bike Shop.
Another fatal crash: A person was struck and killed by the driver of a car while walking on NE Halsey near 119th on December 23rd. They were the 55th person to die while using Portland roads this year.
2020 traffic toll: “There’s also a lot to be said for how our garbage infrastructure doesn’t value anyone not inside a car,” says this piece from car blog Jalopnik that dives into why nearly 700 bicycle riders were killed in 2020.
Unprotected again: The City of Boston moved to protect a bike lane with concrete curbs, only to remove them about a month later after officials said they caused too many drivers to crash.
Bike boom overview: Don’t miss this solid historical overview of the 2020 Bike Boom with multiple expert sources from Business Insider.
— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and jonathan@bikeportland.org
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