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The Monday Roundup: E-bikes for clunkers, carfree Tempe, carmakers are evil, and more

Welcome to the week. Here are the most noteworthy items we came across in the past seven days.

They knew: Maybe not a huge surprise, but new reporting confirms that Ford and GM knew about the dangers of greenhouse gas emissions from their vehicles and not only did nothing, they worked to hide the truth and doubled-down on fossil fuel guzzling vehicles. (I will still never forgive Obama for bailing them out.)

“Diary of a new cyclist”: London resident Sarah Berry shared a heartfelt message to the people in cars who put her in danger.

E-bikes for clunkers: Smart program in Lithuania gives people a $1,200 subsidy for trading in an old car that they can put toward purchase of a new e-bike.

Gov’t issue bike tires: People in Oslo, Norway are so keen to keep riding in icy winters they gobbled up 4,000 studded bike tire subsidies in the first week they were available.


Harley’s e-bike: It’s not news that a non-bicycle brand has come out with an e-bike. What is news is how much better e-bike designs from non-endemic brands are getting. It shows how serious companies are taking the e-bike market.

The story of Rad: Excellent profile of Seattle-based Rad Power Bikes CEO Mike Radenbaugh shares his rise from battery-bike tinkerer to bike industry disruptor.

Scooter resurgence: Lime’s CEO says the pandemic-influenced cityscape has helped illustrate the value of e-scooters as a serious mobility option.

Safety for whom?: After NHTSA declared October “Pedestrian Safety Month”, the nonprofit America Walks had to inform them that much more of the focus needs to be on driving behaviors.

Vehicular violence run amok: In a weekend that saw several Trump truck caravans and many incidents of rampaging drivers, President Trump celebrated an incident on a Texas freeway when his supporters tried to ram another driver.

Tempt me Tempe: With 761 apartments and no car parking spaces, Culdesac Tempe is being called the first-ever carfree neighborhood in America built from scratch.

Tweet of the Week:

— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and
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